Renowned Comes to the Rescue of Flood-Damaged Furniture
Storms, not just minor storms but massive storms, are in the news lately. The first being Hurricane Harvey, which flooded Houston in Texas, USA and currently, Hurricane Irma, which is ravaging the Caribbean Island.
Closer to home in Brisbane, storms and flooding are part of the natural environment. There is always the potential for storms and the resulting flooding that the City Council has prepared a flood guide to save lives and property.
When a storm passes and the flood starts to recede, clean up begins. One of the common victims of flood water is furniture – both upholstered and wood pieces. In many instances, cleaning and drying are not enough to salvage them. This is where professional furniture restorers come in.
Renowned have had its share of jobs that involves resurrecting well-loved heirloom pieces from flood damage. We’ve had several of this type of job this year alone.
This mahogany buffet is proof that flood damage does not mean throw out all your solid timber furniture. It will return to its original size and shape with a little help from Renowned Furniture!
Flood can also come from another source – a burst mains pipe in your home. This happened to one of our clients, and this sewing machine and old cedar chest of drawers were the only two pieces to survive the accident. They were brought in, and it was another successful restoration job for Renowned.
The flood loss happened to this client two years ago, but the silverware case, buffet and side table are being restored for the third time. The first two restoration attempts were total failures. Third time’s the charm as we came to the rescue and fixed the repair sins of the previous restorers.